Controlled Parking
Using video analytics technologies, the system monitors parking availability, illegal parking in sensitive areas (e.g. disability parking locations, pedestrian crossings, double-parking), and compliance with any eventual paid parking systems, while ensuring protection of personal data in full compliance with current legislation. The CCTV cameras are installed on the street lighting columns and each camera surveys multiple parking spots.
The structures of the pilot project are implanted within the limits of the Trikala city centre, where the driverless bus was also tested, while smart applications will be available throughout the Municipality. The implementation of this pilot project is expected to achieve the following benefits:
- Provide Smart City services in a fully productive environment
- Inform and educate the local community about the services
- Produce an awareness case study that may be standardised and extended
- Provide residents easy access to a reliable, free wi-fi network within city limits (in conjunction with the existing wireless network)
- Provide easy and useful information (special offers, alert services)
- Test an application that can save lives, in collaboration with the Municipality’s volunteer network
- Local business will gain access to micro-websites and will offer targeted information through the application (e.g. special offers, coupons, rewards, etc.)
- The application will provide a new promotion vehicle for businesses and products
- Residents will be able to obtain on their own their basic certificates (e.g. municipal clearance, family status, etc.)
- Residents and businesses will have access to open and geographical data